
Brooklyn-based human being writing about albums,singles and musical artists long forgotten or taken for granted. A break from everything brand new and hyper-marketed. Vain attempts to drive a stake into the heart of Global-Meta-Trash-Marketing Culture may ensue. Self-righteous indignation: unavoidable.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Hi. My name is Arcandy. Actually, it isn't, but this the internet, so I'm not really anything at all, am I? The purpose of this dealie here is to expose people to music that slipped through the cracks. I find it perplexing as heck that so many people in indie rock are only interested in new bands and artists when there is a good solid 40 years of amazing music history to explore. You might find that you like who the Arcade Fire ripped off a lot more than the actual Arcade Fire. Or you might not. Either way, too few people are making an effort to promote and expose music that's more than 5 years old, and I have taken it on as my solemn duty to show you all the light. Some of the bands, songs, and artists I'll cover will sound familiar, some will sound very familiar, and some you won't have ever heard of. Occasionally, I'll even cover a new artist who I feel isn't getting the attention they deserve. But I promise it's all going to be brilliant stuff that any self-respecting music lover should at least be giving a chance. Not every musician who ever lived had a manager, a promoter, or a sugar daddy/mommy pushing their wares, and some who did didn't manage to make anyone care anyway. And some, well, they're just worth remembering. So stay tuned and keep your ears open, for lack of a better catch phrase.
